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Even though I did discontinue my support, its still a bit of a shame that this may not be finished. I thought the concept was quite interesting and unique. I would have love to see what came out from this. Just know that if this game is ever finished I would probably be still willingly to buy if it was made with love and care.

Deleted 2 years ago
Deleted 2 years ago
Deleted 4 years ago
Deleted 4 years ago
Deleted 4 years ago

It has been a long long time since I've checked this page, and man, so much progress since that time! Sure, there is much left to go, but it's still so cool to see the progress. I'm really excited about this game.

I have a quick question though. Will you release another demo at some point, or maybe an early access / WIP version for people who preordered the game, or are you planning on waiting till the entire game is done? Both are fine, I'm just curious!

As usual, I'm cheering on you! You're doing great!


I would release the first half of game (stage 1 to 2) for patrons (early access) and preorders in different time. The second half of the story will be coming as a free DLC later on… I hope this answer your question.

Yes, thank you!

I have preordered so I don't have to worry about anything now, just wait.

hello, I don't know if the creator is still responding to replies about this game, however I do like the theme of this visual novel however I am not sure if I can say the same about the story. I would like to support your patreon with $10 or $15 a month however if possible I would like to know more about the story and how the writing plans to be. I will be checking this website for any response every now and then. I do understand I can play the demo to find out, however, I always been the type where when I go for something I want to go full out, so I never play demos, I only ever want to experience a finished piece of art.

Also to be more clear, when I say I would like to know more about the writing, I mean as in how do you plan to characterize the characters in the story. In what type of way will they speak with each other, etc. 


I'm sorry for being less active here! I understand why it's a hard thing because of how vague the explanation from the description alone. I'm cautiously showing snippets of LI's story so there's less spoilers raining before release. As far as the logs uploaded, there were only little hints of all the characters. I guess I can push them on the next devlogs instead of the usual progress update, especially so near to releasing the Stage 1&2 of LI. 

Thank you for mentioning!

(3 edits)

yea thank you, it's because I played quite a lot of visual novels lately , a lot were good but some were just... like not good xD seeing a bit of the writing style and personalities of the characters during dialogue can help clear that up a lot. I mostly just curious about what type of personality and what type of speaking mannerisms the main character will have and a a few of the romance interests. one of the best main characters of a game i got to play lately was that game Royal Alchemist. The writing of all the characters were just soooo nice and main character had such a clever, strong personality but also showed weakness. (another good written game with different style was The Pretenders Guild, although short the writing was quite enjoyable and just altogether a fun time)

The worst so far and I hate to say it so i am going to put a line through it so it isn't so clear for others to see but it was 

signed and kiss with a seal

the main character felt like was trying way too hard to relate to people and be  some type of meme or joke at the same time. They changed to add more favorable personalities but altogether it stayed pretty bland and poor writing.

I’ve been uploading the character profiles on the Patreon page. All of the profiles will be done posted by August 5th there… Here’s the link to check it out:[tag]=character-profile

(So far it’s 3 out of 5 main characters.)

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I checked out the character profiles. Adri, is supposedly Flirty and Stubborn, the stubborn part is straight forward, he won't easily give up. However the flirty part is a bit... for you to put flirty as his second main personality type, I am really curious to see a bit of this "flirty" dialogue. Adri seems already a pretty interesting main character. From what I can see so far he seems to be not easily persuaded, and can handle himself. As for Seal, I haven't seen any dialogue with him so I can't comment much about him, however I feel saying he is both childish and mischievous is a bit too much.  It makes me worried that he is going to end up being a super annoying character. Is there another way you can describe his personality? Like cunning, scheming, sly, witty... Childish along with mischievous just feels too extreme of a bad boy annoying personality type. Lastly Saputra, I feel based on his short introduction and some of his dialogue that his personality shouldn't be mainly serious and ambitious. I can understand the Serious part, however ambitious is I feel more should be more  of strength. From his dialogue he makes me feel he is diligent, rational, and I am guessing due to his hating of germs he is more of an introvert.

Also my very last thing I want to comment on(I promise this is the last since I got a taste of what I was looking for) is the writing style is for sure very interesting however. I notice quite a few strangely worded sentences that unfortunately kind of throws of the tone of the dialogue going on. Is there a proof reader for your project? I feel there needs to be a proof reader since some of those lines are just very unpleasant to read in English.

Wow, thank you for reviewing the profiles!

I’m happy to know you thought of Adri interesting.

For Seal, mischievous can only point at his love of pranks. Childish, however, points to love-starved, reckless, and has commitment issues. Now that I wrote that down, I could see why you’d see him as an annoying bad boy. The fact he’s so obnoxious brings a question if he’s faking his personality throughout the common route.

For Saputra, you’re right. I kinda.. forgot the word ‘diligent’ even exist. He’s a workaholic and know-it-all kind of guy. I got mixed up between ‘ambitious to be accepted’ and ‘too much work but too stubborn to stop’. I’ll fix his profile ASAP.

At the moment, there’s no active proofreader available. Sinis-Ter could only touch the beginning and a few days into stage two. So, if you find weird sentences, it’s all on me.

why does this demo never download?

 I can't even play the demo thanks to the rar fire


Ah, finally got to play the demo till the end! It's really a great game!

All the characters I've met so far are interesting, though I'm sad I couldn't meet more of the main cast. 

The art and music are gorgeous. I'm just frustrated because the game runs slow as hell and lags all the time - it's a bit hard to play because of that. But well, other than that and the need for some proofreading, it's really awesome.


This game is fabulous

The art is really good so is the storyline

There is just one problem I sort of don't know how to advance further from the part where you get Yerea

Is there a walkthrough or something like that???

There are also slight glitches where the app shuts down by itself and the grammar for some things are incorrect


Can you make this ayyable by credit?

I'm not sure. what do you mean by 'ayyable'?

Payable *

Hey! I noticed that the preorder says it'll also be for mac but there's only a windows demo, is it true it'll be for mac too? Just wanna be sure before I preorder!

yes, we're planning to release for iOS too. The game engine we used allowed us to export the game into multiple platforms. The demo version for it is currently under development (checking bugs etc). :)

When will the game be finished?

Bad, Normal, and worst wth are there any good endings in this game?!


There are several good endings, they're the easier ones to gain... and easiest to slip by too if you know what I mean. (I like to use reverse pyschology) *smirk*

i did buy it on Itch but is not download, i dont understand why >.<

Ah, you have put an pre-order so you'll get the game as soon as its released.

Wow, this game looks amazing, it's sui generis, can't wait to play it!

Thanks, Mirael! I work on this everyday. Hopefully, it'll be worth waiting.

Patience is Perfection! All the best!

does the description really list gay romance as an adult theme? pass


For several countries, gay romance still indeed listed as R-Rated theme and/or even a taboo. So to be fair, We decided that it needs to be listed.

No pre-order here?
I love to keep all my games at the same place...

Have a nice day ^^

Ah, actually, you can pre order by indiegogo for the moment. You can go to this link and check out the best deal! :D

Pre-order on and bought!

Thanks :)

Hello! I really enjoyed your demo. I look forward to seeing more! When I have some extra money, I want to back the game, but I also wanted to make you an offer. There were some issues with repeating dialogue lines, and once with a picture next to the dialogue box being doubled, as well as some grammar and spelling issues. I can fix the spelling and grammar errors for you if you like!  I've done it for a few other games and it can really help make a better impression. If not, that's okay! You can reach me by email at

I also plan to write about the demo in my gaming blog, so I hope that helps as well! Take care :)

Forgive me for the wait. I'm happy to entertain you! Thanks for pointing out the problems too. The repeating lines and random pictures appeared to be a memory problem with the engine itself. There is too little I can do with it, which is why I elected to move everything  from rpgmaker to unity for now... 

I'll be contacting you about the spelling and grammar errors, thou. I really need the help with them...

Oh, also, Thank you very much for the article! I've read it and you've done an excellent job! I almost cried when I found it on google. :D

I look forward to working with you then. :) Also, thank you, but don't cry! lol I hope that others will find your game interesting also. 

Unity is a great engine to use, so I wish you luck!

(1 edit)

I tried downloading it but it hasn't been able to work. Is there any other file you'd be able to give me?

Ah, sorry for the inconvenience. 

Do you mean the download link or the installation that hasn't been able to work? 

So far there hasn't any broken link report. I'll check it up tonight. If, it's the installation, may I know the specification of your computer? 

will there be a demo available for mac? I´d love to test this game :)

Yes, there will be one for mac... but, after we change the engine from RPGMaker to Unity. So, it should be working better.

May the stars bless your path.

Hello! :) I just wanted to share some toughts about my exprence playing the demo. It's quite buggy but it's an early demo so whatever. I'm not gonna talk about that. Firstly, let me tell you I love the idea with that interactive side scrolling map. And the art! It's lovely. I honestly don't know what was I expecting but you got me suprised several times with plot. I don't want to spoiler anything but man. I know I'm squishy about nearly everytging but really, the characters creeped me out for a moment there. Definitely nice suprise.
Good luck with the game! I'm definitely interested once it's out! :)

Demo is here~! :D

To tell you the truth, I've been re-arranging Leodetable's threads in Lemma Soft, RPG Maker and Aarin Forums. Scheduled those thread to be done by April this year while the game itself at Fall 2017.

It took me years to finalize the script and settle down to use RPG Maker MV for the game engine which I need to learn first... Those were the reason why I have yet update the older threads.

I'll link all related addresses especially the tumblr one, since it's the one with gradual report of progress.

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